Friday, November 15

Show Off Your Spots

Unleash your inner spots! We all have a little feline waiting to roar so why not show it off in a scarf? The leopard scarf is nothing new, but why not keep it around for as long as we can- I mean after all it is a timeless print. Less is more. Some may think animal print is tacky, but all you have to do is wear it in moderation- besides any animal print on clothes, BESIDES a scarf in my opinion is extremely tacky. Some may think animal print shouldn't be on clothing because of animal rights, but you aren't actually wearing the animal and you aren't doing it intentionally- I am against the wearing of fur, so as long as your leopard print scarf isn't make of real fur, we can  remain friends. Since in the colder months people like to bundle up to be as warm as they can, a leopard print scarf can add a dash of glamour to your outfit. You can choose to rock it with a simple tee and jeans. Be edgy and rock that scarf with a leather jacket and some dark colored skinnies. Maybe perhaps a sweater and some riding boot with your hair in a bun? You can't go wrong with wearing a leopard print scarf with the ever-so-famous camel coat. So unleash your inner animal and go bold with a scarf.

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